Configuration flags upon On-Premise and SDK deployment

    This document is outlining the available configuration flags for deploying and managing the App Builder on-premise instance. This document should provide examples of key environment variables, such as:

    docker run --restart always -p 80:5000 -e AuthSettings__ClientId="1234-4657-00"

    Configurable properties

    Through environment.ts (part of App Builder SDK context)

    // Configuration Property Explanations:
    - favicon: '/favicon_dev.ico',              // Enables you to set your own favicon
    - disableSurvey: false,                     // Disables App Builder surveys
    - enableLibrariesManagement: false,         // Shows/hides the dropdown for library management
    - disablePublishToGithub: false,            // Disables/enables the "Publish to GitHub" button
    - disableFeedback: false,                   // Toggles Feedback dialog visibility
    - showOnboardingVideos: false,              // Toggles the onboarding YouTube videos
    - toggleableDatasourceTags: false,          // Toggles the visibility of data source color tags
    - hideMainMenu: false,                      // Toggles the visibility of the Application Shell Main Menu
    - personalWorkspaceLabel: 'myProjects',     // Sets the label value for the personal workspace
    - disableCodegen: false,                    // Toggles the usage of the Codegeneration service
    - hideSharingOptions: false,                // Toggles the visibility of sharing options in the UI
    - hideHelpResources: false,                 // Hides help resources in the interface
    - hideAppBuilderLogo: false,                // Hides the App Builder logo
    - disableQuickTips: false,                  // Disables Quick tips
    - hideMockDataSources: false,               // Hides mock data sources from the UI
    - hideVerbPills: false,                     // Hides HTTP verb pills in API-related features
    - useSummaryForOperationName: false,        // Uses a summary instead of a full name for operation names
    - showObjectDatasources: false,             // Enables support for object-based datasources (limited use case)
    - hideDesktopApp: false,                    // Hides desktop app-related options in the UI
    - hideAccountMenu: false,                   // Hides the account menu from the UI
    - hideExperimentalGenerators: [],           // Specifies frameworks to hide from code export (e.g., [{ platform: Platform.react }])
    - disableMockDataUponFailedEndpoint: false, // Prevents mock data from being used if an endpoint fails
    - disableAI: false,                         // Disables AI-related features
    - enableCssGridLayout: true,                // Enables the CSS Grid layout feature
    - showPreviewInvite: true,                  // Shows preview invites for collaborative features
    // Theme Properties:
    appTheme: {                                  
        schema: 'light-bootstrap-schema',       // Defines the base theme schema
        colors: {                               
            primary: '#2D8DFF',                 // Primary color used throughout the application
            secondary: '#2D8DFF',               // Secondary color
            surface: '#F1F7FF',
            success: '#31AB2B',                 // Success indicator color
            warn: '#F2C200',                    // Warning indicator color
            error: '#DB372A',                   // Error indicator color
            info: '#0678FF',                    // Info indicator color
            grays: '#2F2F2F',
        typeface: 'Public Sans',                // Default font for the application
        fonts: [],                              // Additional font families
        scale: 'bootstrap-type-scale',
        roundness: 0.3,                         // Corner roundness
        elevation: null,                        // Elevation (shadows), if applicable
    shellTheme: {                               
        typeface: 'Public Sans',                // Font used in the application shell
        colors: {                               
            primary: '#2D8DFF',                 // Primary color
            grays: '#9A9DA2',
            success: '#31AB2B',                 // Success indicator color
            warn: '#F2C200',                    // Warning color
            error: '#DB372A',                   // Error color
            aux1: '#068E6B',
            aux2: '#9C27B0',

    Through a parameter in a docker run command (On-prem context)

    docker run --restart always -p 80:5000 -e AuthSettings__ClientId="1234-4657-00"

    Additional Resources