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App Builder Data 101: Data Connections, Binding to Data & Master-Detail

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In our next accelerator, we get back to discussing one of the major features that was included in our last App Builder release, hierarchical data binding with components like Tree, Card and Containers. This webinar will also highlight how to implement data binding in controls, and new features around master-detail and state & context binding.

Join us and see:

  • Adding Data Connections into App Builder

  • Binding Hierarchical data to Tree Grid and other controls

  • Using Context Binding & Binding Variables

At the end of this webinar, you’ll have all the knowledge to deliver modern applications 80% faster with App Builder, including killer features like Hierarchical Data and Master-Detail scenarios!

About the presenters

Jason Beres As the Sr. VP of Developer Tools at Infragistics, Jason and his team spearhead the customer-driven, innovative features and functionality throughout all Infragistics' UI, UX, Data Visualization and Business Intelligence products. Jason works directly with Infragistics customers around the globe to ensure that their needs are met through our products and roadmaps. Jason is a former Microsoft .NET MVP, and he is the author of several books on software development, covering topics like SQL Server, C#, Visual Basic, Rich Client and Web Development. Jason is a national and international conference speaker and keeps very active in the developer & UX community. You can follow Jason at @jasonberes on Twitter.

App Builder Data 101: Data Connections, Binding to Data & Master-Detail

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